
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

A warm friendly smile, courteous mannerism, a willingness to serve, and an empathetic demeanor are all part of a positive attitude in service.

Service to Others

What is the purpose of being of service to others?

Serving doesn't just make your heart feel good. Studies have shown that there are mental and physical benefits to serving, like reducing depression, lower blood pressure and lengthening your life span. Putting others needs before yours also strengthens our relationships.

6 Ways to Serve

6 Authentic Ways to be of Service to Others and Ourselves.

  1. Make Connections: "Too often we underestimate the power of a... listening ear... which (has) the potential to turn a life around." Martin Luther King Jr

  2. Educate Yourself: "The complete education gives one not only the power of concentration but also worthy objectives on which to concentrate." Martin Luther King Jr

  3. Write from your Heart: Journaling is a great way to be of service to yourself. It allows us to refocus on the positive and let go of the negative.

  4. Share the gift of reading: The pandemic and its accompanying quarantine have brought with it learning challenges for many children. Give a child the gift of reading, perhaps video yourself reading a well-written children's story book.

  5. Pay it forward: What are you doing for others? Think of others in need and do something for them to make their lives a little easier.

  6. Look inward: Ask the question, How can I help? Service elevates both the server and the serviced.

Community Service

Community Service Project Ideas

If you are under 18 yrs old you must ask your parents to assist you before taking on any of these projects.

Collect and donate things to your community:

  • Collect & donate school supplies.

  • Collect & donate backpacks.

  • Collect & donate non-perishable food items.

  • Add your own ideas...

Do things for your community:

  • Rake leaves up for an elderly neighbor.

  • Offer dog-walking services.

  • Mow your neighbors lawn.

  • Add your own ideas...

Make things for your community:

  • Knit scarves or hats for families in shelters

  • Write letters to seniors in care facilities.

  • Make quilts or blankets for kids in hospitals.

  • Add your own ideas...

Fix things in your community:

  • Clean up your local park

  • Spruce up a run-down playground.

  • Offer to patch up clothes and stuffed toys.

  • Add your own ideas...

Host things in your community:

  • Host a bake sale.

  • Host a study group.

  • Host a holiday meal.

  • Add your own ideas...

Teach things in your community:

  • Help kids with their homework.

  • Teach the adults in your life internet skills.

  • Give free music lessons.

  • Add your own ideas...