
"Dedicate Yourself to becoming Your Best."

One's ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and strength. A strong fit body will go a long way towards achieving your Black Belt Goal.

Upper Body


Push-Ups on your Knees

  • Arms should be straight with wrists under your shoulders.

  • Knees together & on the ground, feet suspended in the air

  • Slowly bend elbows & lower chest to floor while maintaining a straight line from the crown of your head to your knees.

  • Press upwards engaging chest & core.

  • Do three sets of 10 daily (max two weeks) to strengthen your upper body. Progress to incline push-ups.

Incline Push-Ups:

  • Find a sturdy box or chair, note the taller the easier.

  • Place hands shoulder-width apart on elevated surface.

  • Engage core so that body forms a straight line from head to toe. Keep legs together.

  • Slowly bend your elbows and lower chest to the surface.

  • Next press upwards and engage your chest & core.

  • Do three sets of 10 daily increase to 15 when you find this easy. Progress to standard.

Standard Push-Ups: (Black Belt Level)

  • Begin in plank position with your arms straight.

  • Shoulders should be over your wrists with your body in a straight line from head to toe.

  • Keep core engaged & don't let your hips sag.

  • Next, slowly bend your elbows & lower chest to floor.

  • Then, press upwards back to plank position.

  • Week 1: complete 3 sets of 10 daily.

  • Week 2: complete 3 sets of 15 daily.

  • Week 3: complete 3 sets of 20 daily.

  • Week 4: complete 3 sets of 25 daily.

Abs & Core

Are Abs & Core the same thing?

The ‘core’ muscles work together to keep the spine stabilised, maintain an upright body position as well as being critical for bending forward, backwards and twisting from side to side. Your abs sole function is to assist in bending the torso forward.


  • Elbows under shoulders, hands flat on the floor.

  • Body in a straight line, with head up.

  • All weight is on elbows & balls of your feet.


  • Lying flat on your back, start with your legs in the air (90 degrees) & feet together.

  • Arms stay flat by your sides

  • Keep chin tucked in

  • Core engaged and strong

  • Keep back flat on the ground. You should not be able to place a hand under your back

  • Slowly lower your legs to just above the floor


  • Seated with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, stretch arms out so that fingertips are level with your knees,

  • Lower body to ground, head & shoulders must not touch,

  • Hands remain on your thighs with arms stretched out as you sit up.

  • .Fingertips must not pass knees and arms must remain straight.




Warrior Training requires a high level of cardio fitness, we recommend that students run 2.5km twice a week. From time to time you may require an alternative to running, each exercise below is the equivalent to a 2.5km run:

  • 20 minutes of non-stop skipping,

  • 2160 Jumping Jacks,

  • 300 Burpees!