
"Life is as Good as your Mindset"

BLACK BELT MINDSET. In preparation for your Black Belt Exam it is important that you understand the role your mindset plays in achieving success.

Mindset questions 1 & 2

Mindset questions 1 & 2:

Before you go anywhere in life you need to know your motivation, what counts for YOU. Your values help you decide what is important for you. Think of values as your priorities. They are what really matter most for you.

  • 1. List your top 5 values and lets us know which ones apply to you achieving your Black Belt and why?

Focus on what you want, not what you fear. You will be pulled in the direction of your focus.

  • 2. Make a detailed list of what you need to focus on to achieve your Black Belt & explain why each item is important?

Mindset questions 3 & 4

Mindset questions 3 & 4:

Outcome vs Problem Frame: A Problem Frame is focused on the past, what went wrong or who or what is wrong. An Outcome Frame focuses on your desired result. It allows you to see the possibilities in life.

  • 5. Think of 3 problem frames that would stop you from reaching your Black Belt goal. Now using the outcome frame try to replace these problems with solutions that are empowering.

In order to achieve whatever you want, you need to be able to develop a burning desire. You can do this by creating a powerful desire declaration.

  • 6. Your desire is to achieve your Black Belt. Write down what that would mean to you? Take a moment to imagine how you would feel once you achieve this goal!

Mindset questions 5 & 6

Mindset questions 5 & 6:

An Indomitable Spirit is etched into the consciousness of all successful people. It is a key part of the Black Belt Mindset.

  • 5. Research someone, you admire who has found success. Note down any obstacles they had to overcome. Why did these people persist while others gave up? How does this apply to having a Black Belt Mindset?

Creative visualization has been proven to improve the performance of top athletes. Success is achieved by visualizing your technique. How to execute your forms with power.

  • 6. Using the visualization process in your handouts to take your desired declaration and create a compelling future?

Mindset 1: Uncovering your why

MINDSET 1 Uncovering your WHY.mp4

Mindset 2: Focus on what you want

MINDSET 2 Focus on what you WANT.mp4

Mindset 3: Outcome vs Problem frame

MINDSET 3 Outcome VS Problem Frame.mp4

Mindset 4: My desired Declaration

MINDSET 4 My Desired Declaration.mp4

Mindset 5: The Indomitable Spirit

MINDSET 5 A History of Success.mp4

Mindset 6: Create a Positive Vision

MINDSET 6 Create a Positive Vision.mp4