
"Attitude is everything, so pick a good one."

A positive attitude is a state of mind that allows you to envision and expect good things. It is a mental attitude that sees the good and the accomplishments in your life, rather than the negative and the failures.

Mindset vs Attitude

Your mindset is how you see the world around you. And your attitude is how you interact with the world according to how you see things.

What Does it Mean To Have a Black Belt Attitude?

Having a Black Belt Attitude means having a NEVER GIVE UP attitude. We persevere. We don't quit. Its an attitude that says I'll do whatever it takes to achieve Having a Black Belt Attitude first and foremost means having a Positive Attitude.

Positive Attitude


  1. Start a gratitude journal.

  2. Treat yourself to some self-care every day.

  3. Start every morning strong.

  4. Avoid spreading gossip.

  5. Crack more jokes.

  6. Take real breaks.

  7. Have something to look forward to after school/ work.

  8. Practice meditation.

  9. Focus on your long-term goals.

  10. Listen to music that matches your mood.

Attitude = Altitude

The late Zig Ziglar once said "It's your Attitude not your Aptitude that will determine your Altitude." What that essentially means is that to be successful in any area in life you need to have the right attitude to approach the job or task.

A strong, positive, and resilient attitude will help elevate you to unimaginable heights.